3D Touch
a digital print enhancement technology used by Totem.com.pl, involving selective 2D (flat) and 3D (raised) varnishing, and hot foil stamping with metallized foil. The processing is carried out using a JetVarnish system.
Aesthetic errors
errors in a project affecting the aesthetics of a product, e.g. texts on creases etc.
a strip of blank or printed paper intended for banding a single or several print copies.
Base case
board forming the front and back surface of the cover of a hardcover binding.
Bastard title page/Half-title
the first page of a book containing author’s name, abridged title, and, sometimes, publishing company logo.
a type of computer graphics where an image (picture, chart, text) is made of a regular grid of elements of identical size (pixels).
Bitmap multi-bit
a type of bitmap where pixels may have multiple shades or colors. Used mainly for pictures, but also charts and multi-color drawings.
Bitmap one-bit
a type of bitmap where pixels may adopt two values only (color or background). Used mainly for line drawings, flourishes, sometimes for text.
the part of an image beyond the trimmed size, removed during trimming.
Block book glue
a set of sheets joined together in the sheet gluing process.
Block book sewn
a set of folded sheets joined together in the bindery thread stitching process.
the thickest paper material (up to 4 mm of thickness) made by gluing from two to several layers of paper stock, used as a base for laminating paper by paper.
Book block
a set of folded sheets or sheets joined at the spine, prepared to be joined with a cover; constitutes the internal part of the binding.
Book sheet
a sheet of a book containing an uneven page followed by an even page.
a thin and long strip of material joined with the upper part of the spine making it easier for a reader to open the book on a particular page.
Brochure binding
books in a softcover glued directly to the block.
Bulk paper
a grade of offset paper featuring a loose structure with a higher thickness.
Card board
paper with the grammage of 200–500 g/m2, used for printing in the production of covers, postcards, folders, etc.
Case box
a type of protective box for a binding or several copies of a binding.
elastic material, paper, fabric, etc. for covering the base case and the spine board. It has an ornamental function and holds the base case and the spine board together.
an abbreviation used to define the set of process colors commonly used in color printing: CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, and BLACK.
Coated paper
paper with an additionally refined surface, usually featuring high whiteness and a smooth, glossy or matte surface (on one or both sides); intended mainly for multi-color printing.
collecting a block by stacking folded sheets or sheets one on top of the other in a correct order.
Collected print
a color reproduction process in which the order of sheets is consistent with the pagination of a publication, which allows binding in full sets.
information mostly located on the back of the title page or at the end of a book, containing details on the authors and people participating in the publication of the work, as well as technical information including place of issue and printing.
Color pattern
a sheet/book approved by a client, serving as a color reference for a printer to render as closely as possible.
Colour separations
a single component color isolated from a particular color space. NOTE! Not to be confused with a color remaining in the color space. For example, one CMYK object will be divided on consecutive pages into four different objects – in C, in M, etc.
Colour space
a set of all colors possible to be recorded/displayed/printed in a particular system or on a particular device.
Composed page/Textblock
the area inside the trimmed size containing text, charts, pictures.
a work recorded in the CMYK format, but not separated.
Compression artifacts
staining occurring on the edges of contrasting objects after applying JPEG compression.
Counter (object/text in counter)
white or bright objects/texts located on a darker background.
Counter punch
a negative of a die used in dry embossing on a cardboard or paper substrate to enhance the relief effect.
the external protection of a book block, made of cardboard (softcover or integrated binding) or board (hardcover binding).
Covering leaf
the part of the cover that comes in touch with the first (front base case) or the last (back base case) page of the book block.
a rectilinear embossing or dent facilitating folding and bending bindery materials.
Critical error
errors in files that will interrupt the printing process or lead to a loss of important information in the final product (e.g. text slicing).
Cutting register
cuts on the book edges, marking the location of the chapters of a book.
a bindery stamping technique making it possible to obtain decorative elements in the form of a one-sided CONCAVE relief on a paper substrate.
a bindery operation involving cutting a desired shaped out of a sheet of paper, cardboard, board or other similar substrate using a cutting die.
Digital printing
all printing techniques featuring direct transmission of computer data to a printing device. Making each copy constitutes a closed, independent process.
Dust jacket
an element of the cover put loosely on the cover as a protection and decoration.
Edge of cut
an imaginary line along which a work is trimmed.
one of the digital printing techniques using laser to create an electrostatic image of a copy on an electrostatic drum.
Embedded font
a set of graphic signs used to display/print text, attached to a PDF file.
a bindery stamping technique making it possible to obtain decorative elements in the form of a one-sided CONVEX relief on a paper substrate.
Encore production
additional copies printed in excess in order to supplement any losses at further production steps.
an ornamental cotton or silk strip, glued to the upper and lower edge of the spine of a book block to improve the aesthetics.
Endpaper (or end-paper/end paper)
a single-fold sheet of printed or blank paper, usually with higher grammage, glued to the internal page surface of the base case and joined with the block.
Even page
a book page with an even number as counted from the beginning of the block. It is located on the left side of an open book.
the technique of applying an image onto a special light-sensitive film (screen printing) or an offset plate (offset printing) using a laser.
Factory paper
a sheet of paper as delivered from a paper mill.
First page of cover
the page on the right side of an unfolded cover, containing the title, author, etc.
Fixed insert sheet
a sheet/folded sheet constituting an additional element of a binding, made in a separate production process. A fixed insert sheet and a block are joined after sewing, gluing, or even after binding the block.
the part of the covering overlapping the internal part of the cover and glued to the board.
Flat-bed cutting die
a tool made of steel tapes mounted in a proper flat base (plywood, plastic plate) used for cutting/creasing a particular shape out of a sheet.
Flexo bound/flexo binding
books in a softcover, in which the binding elements are joined together using end papers (not in the spine).
the folding point of a sheet or a web on a paper with low grammage; depending on the location on a folded sheet.
a set of graphic signs used to display/print text.
Fourth page of cover
the page on the left side of an unfolded cover, containing a note, biography, reviews, ISBN, etc.
Full surface varnish
a type of refinement involving application of a special solution, which, after curing, serves as a protection and decoration.
a color space used to record the shades of gray.
the thinnest line possible to be made/printed on a particular device.
books in a hardcover with half binding cover, in which the binding elements are joined together using end papers (not in the spine).
Hard proof
one or several copies of a book (without refinement) on a production substrate or a different substrate with similar parameters for inspection purposes / for final acceptance of the product before production printing.
Hardcover – perfect bound
books in a hardcover, in which the binding elements are joined together using end papers (not in the spine), while the block / the inside is joined using a bindery glue.
Hardcover – thread sewn
books in a hardcover, in which the binding elements are joined together using end papers (not in the spine), while the block / the inside is thread stitched.
Hardcover binding
books in a hardcover, in which the binding elements are joined together using end papers (not in the spine).
the surface between the base case and the spine board in uniform and combined covers facilitating opening the cover.
HKS colour
the brand of one of the color systems not falling within the color space of CMYK, developed by the German company – HKS.
the process of transferring a metalized or colored film layer on a treated material under the influence of heat and pressure of a die.
electronic layout involving the proper arrangement of textblocks or individual pieces on a single sheet, including the printing, folding, and binding method.
Ink-jet printing
one of the digital printing techniques involving ejection of microscopic pigment (ink) drops from the print head nozzles of a printing device onto a printing substrate.
sheets, pages, bookmarks, leaflets inserted loosely into a finished block or under a glued band.
Insert sheet
a sheet/folded sheet constituting an additional element of a binding, made in a separate production process. An insert sheet and a block are joined directly after printing, before sewing or gluing.
pages within a publication.
Inside margin/Inner margin
the distance between the edge of cut on the spine side and an object inside the page.
a popular format of pixel images/bitmaps in a separate PDF file, using lossy data compression, developed by Joint Photographic Expert Group.
Laminating paper by paper
laminating considerably thicker paper, i.e. board or two papers with similar grammage, with thinner paper (blank or printed).
Lamination by foil
coating the entire printing surface with transparent plastic film with glossy, matte, soft touch, or special finish in order to obtain a protective and decorative coat.
a method of preparing a document involving the division of the content into independent groups that penetrate one another. Each group takes the entire area of a document and is located one on top of the other.
Line of cut
a graphic sign located beyond the trimmed size and marking the edge of cut.
the distance between the edge of cut and an object inside the page.
Mask for varnish
a printed or illuminated varnish pattern on a transparent film. Places with full coverage / black color corresponds to dots that will be selectively coated with a UV varnish.
Matched spine
the spine graphics are clearly separated from the graphics on both or one of the cover pages, with clear-cut boundaries.
Mismatched spine
the spine graphics create a single whole with the cover pages, without clear-cut boundaries.
an undesirable regular pattern on an image caused by incorrectly prepared files or scanning original raster images.
Non-critical errors
errors in files that are likely to interrupt the printing process.
auxiliary text (supplement, explanation) added by an author or a publisher, located mostly at the bottom of a page of a work’s actual text or after the main text, with which it is linked.
standardized thirteen-digit number identifying all books and brochures.
standardized eight-digit number identifying all periodical publications.
Odd page
a book page with an uneven number as counted from the beginning of the block. It is located on the right side of an open book.
a part of a book, a chapter or an article, isolated from the block and bound separately.
Offset paper
a general name for non-woven white paper usually used in offset printing.
Offset printing
an industrial type of flat printing where an image is transferred from a printing form onto a substrate using a blanket cylinder. Offset printing is currently one of the most commonly used printing techniques.
Open crease
a cover crease that ends the side gluing area and facilitates opening the cover pages.
Outside margin/Outer margin
the distance between the edge of cut opposite to the spine and an object inside the page.
an object parameter meaning that the background under the object will be printed.
Overprint white in Register color
an object in a registered color with a transparency setting because a registered color is a logical color (there is no uniform value). The printing effect may be hard to predict.
Overprint white in Spot color
an object in spot color with an overprint setting because spot colors do not mix with CMYK color. The printing effect may be hard to predict.
Own paper
an extreme sheet of the block glued to the internal page surface of the base case.
Page number
the numbering of pages, located above, under, or next to a textblock.
Pantone colour
the brand of a color system common in the printing industry, not falling within the color space of CMYK, developed by the American company – Pantone.
a single page of a book or work fitting on a printing paper. Depending on the format, a printing paper can accommodate one or more pieces.
the format of documents provided to a printing house. Commonly used due to its universal application, large possibilities, high configurability, and flexibility.
a properly formed bindery material joined with the internal page of a cover or an end paper, intended for inserts.
an insert sheet or a fixed insert sheet projecting beyond the edge of a block and folded once or multiple times to fit into the block.
a rarely used graphical data format of older type. Simpler and less powerful than PDF. No generally available browsers.
Printed register
a graphic element located on the edge of cut and marking the location of the chapters of a book.
Printer resolution
a printing device’s capacity to render image details (from 600 to 1,200 dpi). The density of dots expressed in dots per inch and abbreviated as dpi.*
Printing 4+0, 4+4, 1+0, 1+1
designation of a sheet printing method. 4 means multi-color printing (CMYK). 1 means single-color printing, usually with the black ink. 0 – no print. Both numbers indicate, consecutively, verso and recto.
Printing mark
all graphic signs required in the printing process, but not constituting a part of a publication.
Printing paper
a sheet of paper trimmed to a printing format.
Production sample
one or several copies of a book selected from the main print run for a final inspection.
Profile ICC
a set of parameters assigned to a file or an object, modifying the colors in order to achieve the intended color effect.
a copy simulating the color reproduction quality in accordance with ISO, constituting a color reference to be achieved in production printing.
Proof plano
sheets printed on a production substrate or a different substrate with similar parameters/non-bound block for acceptance before production printing.
a digital image recorded in the form of a grid of pixels/dots in order to obtain color shades on printing devices.
Raster AM
a raster structure used in laser printing, featuring variable size and constant frequency of occurrence of raster elements (dots).
Raster FM
a raster structure in inkjet printing, featuring variable frequency of occurrence and pseudostochastic arrangement of raster elements.
Raster Image Processor
a device or program converting data recorded (e.g. PostScript, PDF, PCL) into a raster image adapted to a connected device (printer or imagesetter).
Register mark
a graphic sign located beyond the trimmed size, intended for checking the accuracy of the color register in a production copy. Not useful in digital printing.
Registration colour
a special color. A logical color that adopts 100% for each basic color used in a project (for each component and the spot color). Used for printing marks.
density of bitmap pixels on a printout. It is expressed in pixels per inch (ppi), e.g. 300 ppi. NOTE! In practice, we often use dpi (dots per inch).
an abbreviation used to define the set of colors displayed on a computer screen: RED, GREEN, BLUE.
Running title
a line at the top or the bottom of a page containing the title of a chapter and a subchapter and a number designating the consecutive page number.
Screen printing
a printing technique where a printing form is a template applied to a fine-grained woven, metal, or synthetic fibre mesh. Making a copy involves pumping ink or varnish through the mesh.
Second and third page of cover
the left and right internal page of an unfolded cover.
Sheet printing
a machine printing on individual sheets of paper.
Side glueing
a strip 5–7mm wide on the first and the fourth page of the cover located at the spine, glued to the book block.
Smoothing the edges (Antyaliasing)
a method of smoothing the edges of bitmap objects which, after applying a raster, have unaesthetic ragged edges.
Soft proof
a production file after a technical analysis or an order conformity check, covering a software report and remarks reported by a specialist.
Softcover – perfect bound
a type of cardboard cover binding where block sheets are joined with glue.
Softcover – saddle stitched
a simple binding made of a single-fold block with/without a cover, wire stitched in the spine.
Softcover – thread sewn
a type of cardboard cover binding where block sheets are joined with threads.
a plane fully covered with ink of any color in 100%, usually used as a background.
Spine board
a strip of cardboard for stiffening the spine of the cover of hardcover binding.
Spine of book
the side area of a bindery product / book / publication where folded sheets or pages are joined together. The element located in the center of an unfolded cover between page 1 and 4 of the cover.
Spiral bound
a type of binding, in which the sheets of the block and the cover are loose sheets with a spiral wire threaded through the holes made in their back margin.
Spot colour
an additional color in a file (apart from CMYK) for representing colors impossible to render using CMYK, frequently used to record, for example, mask for varnish or cutting die.
Spot varnish
a type of refinement involving the application of a special varnish in selected places of a substrate, which, after curing, produces a decorative effect in the form of a glossy, matte, or glitter surface.
a properly formed element / stamp made of a heat-conductive material (e.g. metal) used for impressing patterns in film or dry embossing.
an object containing graphic signs (e.g. letters) recorded in a special code linked to fonts located in a PDF file or the computer system.
a bindery stamping technique making it possible to obtain decorative elements in the form of a one-sided CONCAVE relief on a material/canvas using a hot die.
one of the formats of digital images in the form of lossless bitmaps in a separate file or a PDF file.
a plane with a fixed percentage coverage <100%, used as a background for text and other elements.
Title page
the first (if there is no bastard title page) or the third page of a publication containing main information, such as title, authors’ names, publishing company name, place of issue, etc.
Top and bottom margin
the distance between the edge of cut, upper and lower respectively, and an object inside the page.
an object parameter determining the visibility of the background under the object. Not to be confused with overprint.
Transparent object in Spot color
an object in spot color with a transparency setting because spot colors do not mix with CMYK colors. The printing effect may be hard to predict.
extension or overlap of neighboring color elements in order to avoid white clearances in case there is no register on the printing machine.
Trimmed size
the format of a book sheet or a book copy after trimming. In the trim box file.
Uncoated paper
paper with a delicate, rough structure, generally white/yellow, with no refining layers.
Uncollected print
a color reproduction process in which the order of sheets is not consistent with the pagination of a publication (beginning with the first sheet of the entire print run, then the second, etc.). Such a print run requires collecting all the pages in complete sets ready to be bound.
Untrimmed size
the format of a print paper or a print copy before trimming/cutting (with bleed allowance) in the bleed box file.
Vector graphics
a graphic object (chart, flourish, ornament, text) where straight lines, curves, and complex geometric figures are described using vectors (mathematical description).
Verso, Recto
designation of the pages of a sheet. Verso means the first/the top/the outer page. Recto means the second/the bottom/the inner page.
a paper parameter defining the ratio of paper thickness (in μm) to its grammage (in g/m2).
Web printing
a machine printing on a continuous paper web.
White overprint
a white object with an overprint setting, invisible on print.
a lossless method of file compression, including bitmaps in a PDF file.