Short runs? Digital printing!
Digital printing is not an alternative for offset printing any more. Today – as the print runs are getting smaller and smaller – it is becoming the most popular printing method.
Let us outline the reasons why digital printing is the right choice.
Printing on demand
Books produced digitally have runs matched to the market demand and they are cost-optimised. You only print as many books as you need at a time. If you wish to divide the print run into smaller batches – no problem, we will print and deliver subsequent batches according to your schedule. It couldn’t be more convenient, could it?
Probing the market
Every publisher dreams about a bestseller and thousands of copies sold. However, the market success depends on a number of factors. It is a good idea to check the reception of the book by publishing it in a short run of a few dozen or hundred copies. This will let you asses the readers’ and reviewers’ response. Only then will you decide on the size of the target run.
No stocking
We say no to jam-packed stockrooms.
Using digital technology means no need for printing for stock and thus making costly inventories you never know when you will need. Books don’t have to be wasted away in warehouses any longer. You can order precisely as many copies as you need for the current market demand. You will keep up your liquidity and if you need more copies we will produce them ASAP.
Additional print run if and as required
Has your print run been sold out and the market wants more?
Have you printed too few copies, not sure if there would be enough interest in your book to sell plenty? Don’t worry – we can quickly print the required volume for you.
You can also plan the print run in a number of rounds according to your schedule.
Digital printing gives you the comfort of security – you can flexibly respond to market demand. No need for printing for stock, no risk of locking your money and ending up with unsold piles of books.
Test copy to see the result
The kind of paper and the print quality are sometimes hard to imagine. If you want to see exactly what your book will look like, order a test copy. This will let you check the standard of print, have a feel of the paper you chose and verify that the content is correct (especially important when printing voluminous works). It is certainly a great convenience and – what’s more – it is possible only if using digital technology.
Reruns and reprints made easy
Imagine you wish to reprint a book from a few years ago but you don’t have the files any more. Or you dream of publishing an antique book. That is now easier than you think.
We don’t need source files. All you have to do is send us a copy of the book. We’ll scan it and retouch if necessary. Unsure of the end result? No need to be – we can guarantee an impeccable quality. And more than this – our black-and-white reprints are usually higher quality than the original.
Reducing the risk of misinvestment
The biggest concern of publishers, and those fresh in the business in particular, is how the market will respond to the book being prepped for publication. Will it attract readers? Or will the invested money be lost as a result of devastating reviews and poor sales? Our solution is simple: a short run. This means a low financial risk. Digital printing helps reducing the risk to a minimum.
Saving money
Some people believe in the myth that digital printing is more expensive than traditional offset printing. However, if you look into all the limitations of conventional printing, such as extra prepress costs, the profitability of only long print runs or no customization options available, you will find the digital method not only easier and faster, but also cheaper. Digital printing ensures a profitable production of even a few dozen copies. Just in time and with no warehousing – no drawbacks!
There are situations when a print run needs to be personalized. What does it involve? For example special dedications printed on the title page – different ones in different copies. Or a number of copies in different binding, with a different cover, or even different content (photographs, diagrams etc.) dedicated to different readers, or sometimes specific individuals. If you need some copies of your printed work to differ from others – we are here for you. We can also use different methods of enhancement thanks to our 3D Touch system.
Caring for the environment
Last but not least: digital printing is more environmentally friendly than offset printing. Mainly thanks to the lack of printing plates, which are aluminium dies required for offset printing. In the digital method computer data is fed directly to the printing device. As a result harmful paint and aluminium is not used. Furthermore, we don’t waste paper for the start-up of the printing press. The printing and bookbinding systems and equipment used in digital printing are both high-performance and energy-efficient.
Contact us if you have any other questions related to digital printing. E-mail or call us if you need a cost estimate. We’ll be happy to provide a quote.