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Totem team

pracownicy totemu zdjęcie grupowe

Technology and innovative solutions are just tools, useless without skilful hands. At Totem, there are people behind every printed book.

Our team is a group of specialists taking good care that at every stage of production – setting up job orders, preparing materials, printing, binding and delivering the books – the customers are provided with the highest quality product and service. Our company is made up of enthusiasts, whether its customer support staff, production personnel or managers.


We believe that teamwork yields the best results, so we work together and are all committed to growth. We are confident that education, continuous development of qualifications and mutual support are necessary to achieve success.  Long-term employment relationships are our priority. The company was founded in 1995 and we have some employees working with us for more than 25 years!


We would like to introduce our personnel who work directly or indirectly with customers. 

Our team

Michał Szubryt
Sales department
Michał Szubryt
Sales Representative - United Kingdom

After work, he spends his free time (always in short supply) with wife and two kids. He loves travelling – always with a book at hand. A licensed helmsman, every now and then sets off sailing the seas and oceans. Maintains mental and physical fitness by practising kendo.

Monika Ciesielska - fotografia
Sales department
Monika Ciesielska-Kacprzak
Customer Support - the Netherlands / Belgium

She loves both books and reading. Critical - but only of herself, she learns something new all the time. She believes that nothing is impossible. Values conversations with people. She grows roses and magnolias. She loves nature, which is her greatest inspiration. At weekends, she takes walks in the forest with her husband and dogs, and on warm days she reads books while listening to birdsong. A truly romantic personality!

Elżbieta Białasik
Sales department
Elżbieta Białasik
Account Manager

She’s been with us for over 15 years now. An embodiment of good nature and warmth, but capable of fighting like a lion. In her free time, she takes care of her little garden or wraps up in a blanket with a book and some good wine. She is a passionate gym-goer.

Tomasz Chudy
Production department
Tomasz Chudy
Print Manager

Once an active musician in a rock band, now plays the guitar or piano to his children at bedtime. Knows a thing or two about programming and soldering and is successively developing his smart home. In the free time, he keeps drawing his son into PC and console gaming, or they do karate together to relieve stress. He aims to earn a black belt.

Adrian Gatzke
Sales department
Adrian Gatzke
Client Service Department Manager

Master of pricing and simple answers to the most difficult questions. An experienced printer, pragmatic, extremely calm and hard-working. A father of two, he enjoys spending every spare moment with them. He relaxes by sculpting his muscles.

Marta Głogowska
Sales department
Marta Głogowska
Account Manager

Always smiling sports fan, mainly going to the gym and cycling. Loves all creatures, great and small, but especially dogs. Her favourite book and film series is Harry Potter, which she has been in love since the first book read. Relaxes by doing yoga and drinking good English tea. Loves travelling, far and near.

Mateusz Hełminiak
Sales department
Mateusz Hełminiak
Regional Manager

Never seen sad. Not afraid of any professional challenges. A petrol-head with infinite knowledge of cars. A model dad, actively spending time with his children: biking, walking, swimming. Crazy about his home and always busy redecorating it, expanding and improving.

Marta Kaczmarek
Sales department
Marta Kaczmarek
Account Manager

Nothing can bring her out of balance.
She is enthusiastic about a healthy lifestyle and well-being. If she isn’t at the gym, doing fitness exercises or swimming, she walks with friends and a little dog (she has great love for them).

Tomasz Kalczyński
Production department
Tomasz Kalczyński
Production Manager

Devoted fan of RWD and a jack of all trades who repairs everything at home by himself. He relaxes by cycling and dancing, as music and dance are his two greatest loves.

Marta Maciejewska
Sales department
Marta Maciejewska
Account Manager

A ball of fire. Extremely contactable, smiling, resourceful. A woman with a heart on her hand. Likes to help. Her free time is best spent with her daughters and husband. She says of herself that she simply enjoys company and being with other people.

Dorota Komorowska
HR and finance
Dorota Komorowska
Sales and Accounts Assistant

Delicate, gentle and always very well dressed. Likes eating well and healthily. She relaxes on the bike or watching a good movie, especially psychological dramas. However, her greatest passion and love is her daughter and she dedicates every spare moment to her.

Magdalena Nadzieja
Sales department
Magdalena Nadzieja
Account Manager

It’s always more fun with her. Solves work problems with a smile. Likes everything to be done to a high standard and she hardly ever compromises on this. Attention to details and an aesthetic sense must come from a combination of her musical and engineering education. She likes piano music, inline skating and cycling.

Lucyna Olszewska
Lucyna Olszewska
Assistant Logistics Manager

An oasis of calm unless you unhinge her ;) She loves books. Sometimes she wants to leave all behind and go to her favourite Bieszczady Mountains. Interested in history, especially of the 20th century. A passionate fan of blues and rock, action movies, costume dramas, documentaries, and everything by Quentin Tarantino.

Jakub Pluciński
Technology department
Jakub Pluciński
QA Officer

A good heart, incurable cinema-goer and keen runner, usually setting off at 5 a.m. before work. Spends his free time with family and close friends playing board games, cards or watching series together. Nurtures friendships and says people are his most favourite thing.

Marek Omasta
Production department
Marek Omasta
Production Director

A realist with a positive attitude to life. Believes that there are no difficult problems, just challenges.
A happy husband and father of two little devils. Always bursting with energy and zeal for work. Hates doing nothing. He only relaxes actively – by spending time with his kids or gardening.

Magdalena Rejnowska
HR and finance
Magdalena Rejnowska
Finance and HR Director

Pragmatic and analytical, and very determined in action. You could say she will go where the devil fears. A great organizer and a former professional sprinter and fitness instructor (won gold medals at national championships). Today, she relaxes by dancing and being in the company of dogs and horses, which she loves to bits.

bartosz rejnowski
Sales department
Bartosz Rejnowski
Sales Director

Member of the Management Board. Manages Customer Service and supervises regional managers.
He is a walking encyclopaedia of printing, chatterbox and teller of extraordinary tales. Also a keen angler who spends free time casting a line into water bodies in Poland and abroad.

Jakub Rejnowski
Sales department
Jakub Rejnowski
Regional Manager

A good-natured tough guy with a romantic soul. Found refuge in the countryside where he walks in the woods and meadows. Likes DIY and after a long and hard day at work relaxes by reading bedtime stories to his children.

Szymon Rogalski
Sales department
Szymon Rogalski
Pricing specialist

An inquisitive talker. An avid lover of RPG sessions and board games. Loves to walk everywhere and would only use any sort of public transport if absolutely necessary. Recently, he has rediscovered his old passion for Lego. However, he cheekily explains this enthusiasm for playing with bricks by being a dad to two-year-old twin sons ;)

Michał Rejnowski
Michał Rejnowski
Chief Executive Officer

One of company founders. Follower of the latest technologies. Always short of time. A man with a sweet tooth but you wouldn’t tell as he goes running and listening to podcasts in any slot of free time he can find. He even completed the 2023 Tokyo Marathon!
Little known fact: he is a talented drawing artist.

Michał Stasiak
Research and development department
Michał Stasiak
Research and Development Manager

The right man in the right place: open to new challengers, inquisitive and determined when pursuing a goal. He is sociable and enjoys playing team sports, such as basketball and volleyball. Relaxes by DIY and small repairs, like restoring old furniture. He likes travelling, good movies and is interested in technological advancements.

Joanna Wiśniewska
Sales department
Joanna Wiśniewska
Account Manager

A keen choir singer since childhood, a cinema-goer and a mother of cats. Music – whether Gregorian chants, Bach, the Beatles or prog-rock sounds – is her greatest passion. She does yoga to keep her body flexible and mind peaceful.

Marcin Wojciechowki
Sales department
Marcin Wojciechowski
Account Manager

A sports fan, mainly following NBA games and regularly playing basketball and tennis.
Likes travelling. A proud husband and father of little Zosia, about whom he’s gone totally crazy. Has a specific sense of humour, full of subtle irony. Loves good coffee.

Michał Wojciechowski
Technology department
Michał Wojciechowski
Prepress Manager

The longest-serving employee in our company. Calls himself a sworn introvert and a lazy perfectionist. He gets his best rest hiking in the mountains with the family, but also enjoys cycling and shooting… landscapes with a camera. To balance his outdoor activities, he is hooked on computer games.

Jarosław Zamiara
Jarosław Zamiara
Board Member

Co-founder of the company. Covers dozens of kilometres on foot every day. Also runs in the forest in his free time to keep fit. Listens to obscure music and goes to the smallest gigs in the universe. Had a dream of becoming a circus artist as a young boy. Today, he is a successful father of two sons and a voluntary blood donor.

Joanna Zielińska
Joanna Zielińska
Marketing Manager

An optimist. Likes reading, watching series and listening to audiobooks in her free time. Collects picture books and clutters up her home with vintage stuff with a soul. Loves antique fairs, flea markets and second-hand shops. Relaxes by painting with a group of fellow amateur artists at a local community centre. Likes good red wine.

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